
The host zoom movie
The host zoom movie

Lots of scary movies have used technology as their backdrop, but few have done so this well. This is the perfect movie to watch with a group of friends. It is one of those horror movies that will have the audience yelling at the screen in horror and disbelief. Host brings traditional horror scares effectively into the modern world. This is important as Host progresses as it draws viewers into what they are watching. The story quickly shows who believes, who is unsure, and who is not talking anything seriously. The audience just needs to want everyone to survive. There does not have to be much nuance here. The film is short and the story is simple. Host does a great job of letting the audience get to know as much as needed. How much a movie like this works depends on its characters. This can be a hard movie to watch for all the right reasons. There is a constant sense of dread that keeps everyone watching on the edge of their seats. Savage also does an excellent job of sprinkling in some unexpected jolts of fear. The less surprising ones are still able to shock the audience. The scares are perfectly timed leading to maximum effect. There are going to be plenty of jump scares so they better be effective.

the host zoom movie

The script does not go out of the way to surprise and most will know what to expect.

the host zoom movie

Host is a solid horror film that delivers on its topical premise. Halloween Horror Nights House Highlight Walkthrough Universal Orlando HHN31Īnyone who watches the movie will see it is much more than just a marketing gimmick born out of circumstances. A QUARANTINE-THEMED horror film has left viewers chilled to the core and even terrified to attent Zoom meetings.

The host zoom movie